2011-09-17 - Great Falls Trails with Mary


~4.5 miles @ ~24 min/mi

Heavy rains and resultant flooding make a hazardous mess of the Difficult Run Trail. Deadfalls and flotsam mandate scrambles and detours. As Mary Ewell and I approach the Potomac River we find a notch cut into an already dangerously-narrow trail segment, with Park Service warning barriers on each side. We dither, scout about, contemplate and then dismiss crossing the stream, fail in an attempt to climb the too-steep slope, retreat, and eventually manage to crawl up the ridge. But now where are we?

Sharp-eyed Mary spots a deer ambling through the woods on the other side of a ravine. We figure the critter may know something, so we take a parallel path and eventually reach the River Trail. Whew! First we head downriver, then turn back, get bearings, and take the green-blazed trail to the Great Falls National Park visitor's center. Lots of people are out hiking today, many with dogs. At the snack bar I buy Mary a Gatorade and myself a Snickers candy bar.. Frank and wide-ranging conversation makes for great fun during the trek back to our starting point on the old Carriage Road.

(see GPS trackfile, ...) - ^z - 2011-10-03